10 Key Considerations Before Switching to E-Contract Management

10 Key Considerations Before Switching to E-Contract Management

10 Key Considerations Before Switching to E-Contract Management

October 1 2024 by webcm

You’ve heard it before: “Just digitise your contracts, and everything will run smoother!” And it’s true—digitising your contracts can greatly streamline your processes and improve efficiency. However, if you’ve managed contracts for a while, you know it’s not always that simple. While e-contract management has immense benefits, it also brings hidden challenges that can trip you up if you’re not prepared. Let’s break down these challenges and how to tackle them head-on.

1. Choosing the Right Platform for E-Contract Management

Selecting the right e-contract management platform is crucial for success. Not all platforms are created equal—features, user experience and security measures vary widely. Look for a solution that aligns with your specific needs such as ease of use, robust data protection and scalability. A well-chosen platform can significantly enhance productivity and reduce potential risks, making the switch smoother for your entire team.

2. Data Security: Protecting Sensitive Contract Information

E-contracts contain sensitive data, making them vulnerable to cyberattacks and unauthorised access. Encryption and audit trails are essential to secure your contracts, but even these safeguards aren’t foolproof—human error, like weak passwords, can still pose risks. A strong cybersecurity strategy should include not just tech safeguards but also user training to close potential gaps.

3. Navigating Legal Compliance

Legal compliance in e-contract management isn’t a one-and-done task. Laws vary by industry and geography, meaning you need ongoing vigilance to stay compliant. Missteps can lead to invalid contracts, disputes or fines. Key legal pitfalls include:

  • Cross-border conflicts: Regulations vary between countries, complicating international contracts.
  • Retention requirements: Ensure contracts are stored for the legally mandated period.
  • Amendments: Track changes properly to ensure they’re binding.

4. Overcoming User Resistance

Not everyone loves digital contracts. Older generations or those unfamiliar with tech may view e-contracts as more hassle than they’re worth. Resistance often stems from a lack of training or comfort with new systems. To ease the transition, offer clear, user-friendly tools and thorough training sessions that build confidence in the new process.

5. Common Storage Mistakes

Storing contracts digitally doesn’t automatically mean they’re secure or organised. Common pitfalls include:

  • Unclear naming conventions – Inconsistent file names make retrieval a nightmare.
  • No backup system – Lack of backups can result in significant data loss.
  • Scattered storage – Contracts stored in multiple locations increase the risk of losing key documents.
  • Weak access controls – Too many people with access can lead to unapproved changes.
  • Ignoring metadata – Metadata helps track changes and maintain control but is often overlooked.

6. The Myth of “Set-and-Forget” Automation

Automation can reduce human error and save time in managing e-contracts, but it’s not a magic solution. You can’t just set it up and move on. Regular monitoring is essential to ensure e-contract workflows run smoothly and adapt as your business needs change. Effective automation relies on both a solid system and consistent oversight.

7. Customer Support and Responsiveness

When selecting an e-contract management provider, customer support is a crucial factor that is often overlooked. Many larger providers do not specialise in contract management; instead, it may just be an add-on to their main offering or part of a suite of other tools they provide. Additionally, international providers may offer support that is not local, which could result in a lack of understanding of regional cultural and legal issues. This can impact the level of support you receive, as these providers may not have the same level of expertise or dedication to contract management compared to more specialised vendors. Having reliable support can make all the difference in successfully transitioning to and maintaining an efficient e-contract system.

8. Vendor Reputation and Stability

Before committing to an e-contract management platform, it’s important to evaluate the vendor’s reputation and stability. A vendor with a strong track record of reliability and customer satisfaction is crucial. Consider how long they have been in business, their client base, and their history of delivering updates and improvements. A trustworthy vendor can provide assurance that your investment will be supported for the long term and that the system will continue to evolve to meet your needs.

9. User Training and Onboarding

A successful transition to e-contract management depends on how well your team understands and uses the new system. Comprehensive training and onboarding are essential to ensure everyone knows how to use the software effectively. Look for a provider that offers thorough onboarding support and resources such as tutorials, webinars or dedicated training sessions.

10. Scalability for Future Growth

Your business needs will evolve over time, and your e-contract management solution should be able to grow with you. Scalability is key—make sure the platform you choose can handle an increasing volume of contracts and adapt to new business requirements. A scalable solution helps future-proof your investment, allowing your contract management to evolve alongside your organisation.

Take Control with WebCM

E-contract management has its complexities, especially in Australia where data security and compliance are essential. But with the right tools, these challenges can become opportunities for greater efficiency. At WebCM our software is built by contract managers for contract managers, offering intuitive features to streamline processes and secure your contracts.

Ready to simplify contract management and stay ahead of risks? Visit WebCM to see how we can help you stay compliant, secure and efficient.